Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Muslims along with the whole Ukraine were planting a million trees in 24 hours

20.10.2020 / 40

All-Ukrainian Association “Alraid’ has been traditionally participating in various environmental campaigns and volunteer clean-ups. Therefore Alraid’s social organisations from the different cities of Ukraine gladly joined the Million Trees in 24 Hours All-Ukrainian campaign.

This campaign is a part of the global initiative being implemented in more than 100 countries around the world. Planned to be held last spring, the planting of trees was postponed due to the announced pandemic and lockdown restrictions. When the organisers decided the action to be held on October 17, the Alraid’s activists did not stand aside: The environmental friendliness is not only important for Muslims, but is part of their religion.

“By planting trees, we make this world a little better, and we also perform sadaqa-jariya which means an incessant charity,’’ says Tariq Sarhan, the head of the history and Islamic culture department at Kyiv ICC.

By the way, last year, within the Million Trees Project, the activists of the Kyiv ICC planted half a thousand trees – the young plants have taken roots excellently.

This time Kyiv ICC and Maryam NGO’s activists not only planted trees, but also came in on the raising funds campaign to buy the catalpa young plants. Each such plant costs 250 UAH. The volunteers planted more than seventy trees in Kyiv, furthermore they had to do it in the pouring rain.

The worshippers of Sumy ICC mosque along with the activists from Druzhba foreign students’ social organisation, took part in planting trees in Kazka children's park. Among the participants were students from Lebanon, Egypt, Palestine, and Kenya. Thanks to this multinational team’s efforts, they managed to plant 80 maple and oak young trees. According to Rustam Khusnutdinov, Sumy ICC imam, they not only planted the trees, but also could join hands with local residents, entrepreneurs, politicians, people of different nationalities and religions.

In Dnipro over a dozen ICC volunteers joined the action. In the local Park Pamiati ta Prymyrennia (former Kalinin Park) they planted 80 viburnum bushes on their own. On its Facebook page, the Islamic Cultural Centre informs that its volunteers always seek to take part in activities aimed at improving the environment, developing cultural ties and enlightenment. 

Vinnytsia team consisted of ten ICC activists planted 20 trees, pines and oaks, in Khimik Park. 

The activists of Al-Manar Kharkiv ICC planted 29 young trees of linden, rowan and Pissardi plum in the city. 

Zaporizhzhia also didn’t stand aside: on October 17, Safia NGO’s activists, and ICC “Vira” volunteers also joined the all-Ukrainian action. 13 activists, together with their children, planted 42 young trees of birch, linden, and sakura. 

“We planted birches, lindens and sakuras in Svitanok boarding school, Zaporizhzhia city. The teaching staff along with children took an active part in the joint work. 1 million trees in 24 hours seem like an impossible task if you are alone. At the same time, it is real if you combine forces,” wrote Safia NGO on its FB page.

Lviv Muslims also did not lag behind: a relatively small team of 13 fellow believers, representatives of Irada Women Organisation and other activists of the local Islamic Cultural Center worked all day (9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.) in the forestry, 48 kilometers from Lviv. Their contribution to the greening of Ukraine is amazing: From now 3,860 young oak trees are growing near Rava-Ruska.

According to Irada’s representative, in the Shklov forestry the Muslims were assigned with a plot of 0.9 hectares, which they had to plant the young trees on. The woman-activist encouraged everyone to join such actions:

“An outside work gave a very positive and energy boost. There was a good weather, a good mood. Let's protect the nature together! We urge everyone - those who love and care about the environment - to take part in such events, because it is useful not only for nature and air purity, but also for us, for all mankind!"


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