Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Products For The Needy Muslims Of Kharkiv

03.07.2014 / 1126

Poor Muslims of Kharkiv won’t have to worry about finding means for buying food during the holy month of Ramadan. Volunteers from the Social Organisation “Al-Manar” didn’t miss their opportunity to make 2 good deeds at once, such as helping needy people and feeding someone who’s breaking the fast. For that reason they collected 300 grocery baskets containing food for the whole month. More than 200 families already received their aid after coming to the city Islamic Cultural Centre to pick it; and the rest of the baskets will be delivered by the volunteers in person.

The charity event was launched on June 26 by the ICC Director’s speech. Shaikh Shadi Othman reminded everyone of the rules of Ramadan and importance of fasting, calling them to fulfill this very important pillar of Islam: “Fasting provides each of us with an opportunity to become a better and a more compassionate person, return to our God, receive His forgiveness and win the Paradise.”

Social organisation “Al-Manar” tries to help the local need Muslims twice a year minimum, namely during the Holy month of Ramadan and on Eid-al-Adha. Besides, targeted aid is provided to people in difficult circumstances as possible all the year round.


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