Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Barrier In Communication Between Blind And Seeing Needs Overcoming

13.12.2013 / 757

The Odessa Islamic Cultural Centre “Al-Masar” team received a Letter of Gratitude from the Ukrainian Society of Blind People (USBP) for the sweet treats they made at the USBP 80th Anniversary celebration ceremony.

“Thank you for your kindness, care and attention!” — the Letter of Gratitude, signed by the head USBP Odessa regional office Yurii Kachanivskiy.

“These people are amazing” — said Mr. Edem Zeitullaev, imam at the ICC mosque. — “So many people would consider such disability as an excuse for just sitting there and doing nothing for self-developing and self-improving. We can see, however, paralympic champions in running and swimming among the USBP members. Besides, many classes are held at the USBP Recreation Centre.”

More than 2,000 vision-disabled people live in Odessa region today, mostly in forced isolation from their seeing fellow-citizens. For that reason, the “Al-Masar” Islamic Cultural Centre team thank everyone who supports these people directly and hope for further strengthening cooperation with the USBP in Odessa region.


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