Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

Muslim Woman and Social Transformations: Discussion in Simferopol

03.03.2012 / 1355
On February, 24th, 2012, in a conference hall of the Islamic Cultural Center of Simferopol took place a female discussion on the topic "Role of a woman in the society", which aim was search of mutual understanding and mechanisms of cooperation with female organizations for the joint decision of pressing issues of our society.
Within the house the role of a woman is more or less clear to everybody: degree of her responsibility rises with change of her social status. At first she is responsible for herself, as a wife — for her home, as a mother — for education of her children by worthy people.
What is the role of a woman out of home?
This issue was discussed by the participants of the action who represented female and youth organizations of the city, such as "The League of the Crimean-Tatar Women", "Yashlar Shurasy" (Youth Board), "Yashlar Sedasy" (Youth Voice), "The Crimean-Tatar Youth Center", "Bizim Kyrym", magazine "Nesil", "Merhamet"; and also students and post-graduate students of the TNU and the Medical University.
In the course of the discussion were mentioned issues which concern everybody: mission of the woman and her modern position; "equation with men" or all the same correction of rights and spheres of responsibility taking into account features of both sexes for the best protection of their interests; and also concrete possibilities to help the society.
Participants of different ages, fields of activity and social statuses were uniform: only unity and mutual understanding will lead to positive results. Teamwork of female organizations and active dialogue with the public will force to pay attention to existing problems not only ordinary citizens, but also the authorities. Moreover, the public in its turn can rally round a certain initiative and to achieve a result, the main thing — presence of the initiator and the coordinator of work on the issue. At such productive approach hope of spiritual revival of the society will receive a real embodiment.
Breaking stereotypes: public activity of Muslim women
Islam, contrary to stereotypes, granted to women high position in a family and society; a woman receives an award for the good deeds and bears responsibility for the done harm on the same level with a man. "Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions" (The Holy Quran, 16:97).
A woman cannot become the head of the state as it also means management of army and a duty to head a collective prayer of believers of both sexes that the woman cannot do for objective reasons. This unique restriction of possibilities of a woman in public sphere has nothing in common with humiliation of her advantage.
However a woman can play a huge role in life of the society and its transformation to the best; and there, where the man will prefer to apply force and rigidity — the woman will apply responsiveness and flexibility. Only supplementing achievements of each other and studying each other, men and women can in common reach prosperity and well-being.
In the result of live discussion the decision to continue cooperation of female and youth organizations and to try to make it as much as possible effective was accepted. In particular, regular meetings of their representatives will allow not only to generate new ideas and to exchange experience of their realization — but also to organize joint actions in the cities and remote settlements of Crimea.
Staff reporter.


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