Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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28.09.2022 / 9

Another charity event was held at the Islamic Cultural Center of Kyiv. This time, the Council of Ukrainian Muslims together with the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine "Umma" with the support of the German charitable foundation MuslimeHelfen distributed medicines.

The action called "Home first-aid kit" should help those who are most in need of medicines and medical materials.

Activists of the Council of Ukrainian Muslims purchased and formed more than 150 first-aid kits. Each one consisted of 24 names of first-use medicines that should be in every home first-aid kit: painkillers, antibiotics, adsorbents, antipyretics, various ointments, etc.

According to Seyran Aryfov, president of the Council of Ukrainian Muslims, this aid is quite relevant and necessary for people:

"Because of the war, the situation of many people worsened. It is especially difficult for those who have some chronic diseases or health problems. That's why we decided to organize such an action to somehow help these people."

More than 150 people received first-aid kits — primarily single pensioners, internally displaced persons and people with chronic diseases.

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