Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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25.04.2022 / 12

The Council of Ukrainian Muslims continues its activities aimed at helping the in-need segments of the population. Recently, activists of the organization were able to implement a complex campaign to provide help to remaining children in the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson region.

According to the President of the Council Seyran Aryfov, it was quite a difficult task, but everything went successfully:

- We understand that the humanitarian situation in the territories that are temporarily occupied by the Russians is extremely difficult and is deteriorating every day. Many people there need constant financial support and help. So, on the eve of Eid Al-Fitr, we decided to help with the purchase of clothes for 200 children in the Kherson region.

As part of the first stage of the campaign, 40 sets of clothes for boys and girls were purchased. All aid has successfully reached the addresses, and now Congress plans to continue the action.

- I hope that this blessed company, aimed at supporting our fellow believers, with the help of Allah and with the support of caring people, will continue, - said Hamza Isa, coordinator of the campaign. - Even in these difficult times, we are trying to bring joy to people's hearts, support them and make their lives a little easier.

Of course, this campaign has a great importance for the Council of Ukrainian Muslims not only in terms of charity. It also testified that the Council continues to care for the Ukrainian Muslims throughout its territory and seeks to strengthen their Muslim identity.

- This event should also be a kind of holiday gift to those Muslims who, unfortunately, are not yet able to freely celebrate Eid Al-Fitr together with the entire Muslim community of the country, - said Seyran Aryfov.

The Council of Ukrainian Muslims thanks all the patrons who joined the good cause and donated to help the in-need.

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