Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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16.03.2018 / 158

Ukrainian Muslimahs League and Social Organisation Maryam are looking forward to seeing you at an International Women's Forum which is to take part this April on Saturday, the 7th. The Forum will take place at the Hall of Columns of the City Hall (36 Khreshchatyk Str.), from 10:00 to 18:00. Registration office opens at 9:00.

The organisators took care that everyone enjoyed coffee breaks and lunch, and that the mothers could participate without having to constantly worry about the wellbeing of their young children, for there’s an option to leave their kids with a qualified nanny at the Kyiv Islamic Cultural Centre (25a Dehtiarivska Str.)

Participants are kindly requested to fill in the registration form.

The event is to gather about 20 speakers from both Ukraine and abroad (the list is still being finalized), and will consist of three platforms, namely “Muslimahs in the world of Media” (time-management, education, stereotypes), “The next generations” (parenting, living healthy, interfamilial relations) and “Active women as key to the communities’ success” (personal fulfillment, growth, and volunteering).

The Forum’s list of honorary guests includes Heads of Ukrainian women’s unions, and female representatives of the legislative and executive authorities

Besides plenty of useful information, the guests will get a pleasant company and memorable gifts. During the event, a charity fair is planned, where the Ukrainian craftswomen will sell their handmade works in order to raise funds for orphans.

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