Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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10.03.2015 / 897

More than 50 women and young girls from different organisations, including the neighbouring offices, accepted invitation from Odessa islamic Cultural Centre and attended a themed event on March 7, dedicated to fair sex. Every guest received a set of sweets as a gift right after she entered the Centre, and could pick some free literature to her taste at the stand. After the official part was over, everyone was invited to a stand-up party, where they could make new acquaintances and discuss the new information.

Three lectures were presented to the audience after Mr.Bilal Hamze (Director of the ICC) held his opening speech and verses of the Holy Qur’an were recited. During those lectures, factors common for women of every religious, ethnic and social background were discussed: desire to be in-demand, respected, protected, find their place in social life and have prospectives of constant self-development, striving for the new goals. At this point, religion and its prescriptions are meant to help the woman, not get in her road. Even the prescription to cover one’s head and body was sent not for oppressing women, but for liberating them from undesired attention from strange men.

Virgin Mary,mother of Jesus (peace be upon them both), was named as a role model for  nobility and perfect conduct, and her high morals, faith and dedication are followed by billions of people all over the world, like Christians and Muslims.

During the breaks the guests were entertained by kids who performed rhymes and funny songs about  their mothers and grandmothers, and by a quiz called “Beauty is a tremendous power”, where everyone could show their erudition and reaction.

Participating in a quiz, however, wasn’t the only opportunity to express oneself: a free microphone was awaiting for everyone after the official part, so every participant could express their proposals or share their own experience.

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