Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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04.02.2015 / 1444

Events dedicated to World hijab Day were held on February 1 not only in Kyiv, but in Kharkiv, Odessa and Dnipropetrovsk.

At Kharkiv ICC they accentuated on teenagers, as hijab becomes obligatory religious prescription in the age of puberty. What problems and worries arise for a teenager who decides to cover up, living in mostly non-muslim society? how can one answer numerous questions asked by peers? How can one stop bullying and jests about the “old-fashioned clothing” at the grassroots? All those matters needed not only discussion, but some role-play workouts for different situations that girls who decide to wear hijab have to face.

The teenagers also brought up an issue on how the way the girl behaves corresponds to how she looks. They also discussed what can be done in order to promote modest clothing and headscarves, for instance, some social ads, cooperation with talented designers who can create a collection that meets both Sharian prescription and challenges of modern life. The seminar ended with a short master-class where they demonstrated several ways to style one’s headscarf; besides, every participant received a beautiful decorative pin for headscarf.

In Odessa themed event was held for the first time. Volunteers from social organisation “Al-Masar” held a seminar that included several lectures on different aspects of wearing a headscarf and it’s perception by other people; made a video-presentation and  a master-class on styling a headscarf. The nice event was ended with a joint meal and sweet buffet.

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