Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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19.04.2013 / 1256

An unusual seminar was hosted by the Islamic Cultural Center “Al-Mustakbal” in Dnipropetrovsk on April 14, 2013, where subjects of lectures were being chosen by the listeners which were nearly seventy. It offered a good chance for visiting men and women to enhance the competencies in the problems which immediate solutions were required by them more than ever. 

The issue of effective communications with followers of other confessions is most essential one for today. Subject to great many misinterpretations is the concept of jihad. Various groups are speculating on it by substituting one meaning for another and turning young people into an instrument for pursuing their interests. This can be rebuffed by the only way, by conveying sound information about Islam to Muslim youth and followers of other faiths alike.

It is very important that the Muslim community takes active part in the city life

In addition, the audience was reminded once and again about the meaning of “belonging to Islam” and “al-wasatyya” (the principle of “golden mean”), and about the value of the believers’ brotherhood.

After the collective meal in the evening, the guests from Kyiv and “Al-Mustakbal” activists discussed important issues of joint action and gave each other useful advice from personal experiences. Mr. Ismail Kady, “Alraid” deputy-chairman, and Mrs.Olga Fryndak, deputy-chairman of the Women’s Public Organization “Maryam”, expressed gratitude to “Al-Mustakbal” activists for the successful second phase of the action on arranging a park in the ravine, in place of an unorganized dump. It is very important that the Muslim community takes active part in the city life.

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