Council of Ukrainian Muslims

«And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah, and be not divided among yourselv» (Quran, 3:103)

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25.04.2012 / 1679
Nowadays all over the world there is a problem of continuity of generations. On whom the modern woman equals? Alas, even more often these are celebrities and TV-stars. Our Ummah should understand why women, spending so much time for studying of life of celebrities and their screen destinies, pay insignificant attention to studying of lives of women who sacrificed their lives that the Islamic call reached us through centuries.
It became the central topic of the female conference which was carried out by the Female Social Organization "Nur" at the AUASO "Alraid" in the Islamic Cultural Center of Simferopol.
In its course stories and destinies of the most worthy women whose life and moral shape were pleasant to the Almighty were considered. Allah, having bestowed in the Holy Quran descriptions of their life, set example for the true believing woman. It is necessary that each modern Muslim woman, owing to her possibilities, indefatigably aspired to be similar to them; showed patience and sincerely believed in Allah and never stopped on the way to knowledge.
In the century of spread by mass-media negative stereotypes it is very important to inform on role and place of the Muslim woman truthful information on it. The chairman of the all-Ukraine Female Committee on affairs of women, families, children and teenagers, Fatyma Amrullaeva, told that in the Holy Quran Allah equally describes both women, and men, and the superiority of each of them depends on the degree of piety, moral values and acts.
Nowadays all over the world there is a problem of continuity of generations. On whom the modern woman equals? Alas, even more often these are celebrities and TV-stars. Our Ummah should understand why women, spending so much time for studying of life of stars and their screen destinies, pay insignificant attention to studying of lives of women who sacrificed their lives that the Islamic appeal reached us through centuries.
All these women lived at various times, but, despite difference in time and place, they are united by internal purity, nobleness, chastity.
Since the moment of the first revelation, women made huge contribution to distribution of Islam and its eminence. And if not them, hardly probable this religion won hearts of millions in such short terms.
Calm family which lives in spiritual world of the Holy Quran and Sunnah is a basis of family happiness and one of the greatest gifts of the Almighty. However, it does not mean that the woman cannot realize herself anywhere outside her family; and set of examples from life of the women mentioned in the Holy Quran and female companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and also analysis of modern realities resulted in their reports Vera Fryndak, Meryem Muzhdabaeva and Niyara Mamutova.
Contrary to the wide-spread opinion, the contribution of Muslim women into development of Islamic sciences, about what in details spoke Arzu Arifova, is great, too.
Nowadays the aspiration of women to independence and an active social stand is sometimes exploited by the society. The female image became obligatory attribute of advertising, maintained for increase of sales. From "weaker sex" labor activity on the same level with men is expected, thus actually women bear double load: after all nobody freed them from housework.
It is necessary to find that balance which will allow women to be active participants of public life without damage to their family life and without carrying on their shoulders of a double burden. We should bring up in ourselves those best qualities which were inherent in great followers of the Holy Quran and to scoop examples of decision of difficult situations from their biographies. Adherence of religion even in the gloomiest times will help us with it.
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