The AUASO “Alraid” team congratulates all the Muslims in Ukraine and all over the world upon the forthcoming month of fasting and purification, the blessed Ramadan. Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine “Umma” and Religious Administration of Muslims of Crimea, according to the decree from European Council for Fatwas and Research announced the beginning of Ramadan after the sunset on June 27; consequently, first day of fasting is June 28, 2014.
We ask Allah Almighty to grant His creations His blessing and peace during this Holy month, and protect people both in Ukraine and other countries where armed conflicts continue or decay. And we ask you, our dear brothers and sisters, not to forget asking for this in your dua’s when breaking the fast every evening, as dua’s of those breaking the fast are accepted immediately. We ask our Lord to strengthen our good intentions and help us purify ourselves from our past sins and mistakes during this blessed month and leave the non-pious deeds and habits behind forever.
It seems that there are finally no arguments on when the fast starts this year. Joint fasting will bring, among other feelings, a little sadness for Crimean Muslims, as this is a possibility to feel their union and integrity with their brothers and sisters in faith living in the continental part of the country.
The fasting teaches us to appreciate the countless gifts our Lord gives us for our good. Unfortunately, this year we have to learn how to appreciate peace as well — a priceless gift, underestimated by many generations of Ukrainians who didn’t experience war.
And don’t forget the warning of our Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him: “If a person doesn’t stop lying and unlawful behaviour, the God has no need for depriving them of food and drink.”
May God Almighty keep us all safe!
All-Ukrainian Association of Social Organisations “Alraid”